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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pretty Young Girl Constipation 美少女便秘

Recently when I was watching a Taiwan variety show named 蝴蝶蝴蝶生ㄉ真美丽, I came across this:

chiobuDontBangSai(animated) Click picture for full size version

Wahaha! These five words, 美少女便秘, remind me of something, which is “Chio Bu ish no need to pang sai wan!”, which I read in EDMW forum (thread: I maked an amazing discovery today... chio bu is rly dont pang sai one). In case anyone do not understand Hokkien, “Chio Bu” means pretty girl and “Pang Sai” means bowel motion. The direct translation of that 5 chinese words will be Pretty Young Girl Constipation if i am not wrong.

So it is true that chio bu no need pang sai! Lol! GVGT(Got Video Got Talk) solid video evidence is as follows:

The dialogue at time frame 6:10 to 6:20 are as follows:

                   “Do you have the habit of constipating?”

林采薇:“怎么办! 怎么办! 谁可以救我! 我便秘!” 
                “What should I do! What should I do!  Who can save me!  I have constipation!”

蝴蝶姐姐:“有 有便秘的习惯 有耶。。。”
                   “Yes yes she has the habit of it…”

            “Ops, she admitted it.”

                   Pretty Young Girl Constipation!”

For more pictures of 林采薇 to see how chio she is, this is her 痞客邦 PIXNET: http://viviyumi.pixnet.net/blog

Lastly, it is deadly to have constipation for a long period of time. The following link show some gross autopsy photos of a girl who died of constipation.

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