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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Influenza A (H1N1-2009) Infomation

Singapore tio the 1st case of influenza A (H1N1-2009) case liaoz… I was shock upon hearing the news on radio. Went to read up more on it. The following are some of the important things that we should know.

Affected areas (Areas with evidence of community transmission of Influenza A (H1N1-2009)) are: Mexico, USA and Canada so far.

How to Protect Yourself and Others

For personal protection, the following is essential:

Influenza A (H1N1) can be spread through droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. It can also be spread when a person touches a contaminated surface and then touches his nose or mouth. To protect yourself and others around you against Influenza A (H1N1), you can:

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water, especially before touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

  • Turn quickly away from anyone near you if you are about to cough or sneeze.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a piece of tissue paper when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue paper properly in the dust bin after use.

  • Avoid crowded places if you are unwell and wear a surgical mask to cover your nose and mouth. Seek prompt medical attention.

  • Stay home when you are sick. Do not go out, to work or to school.

Click here for more information on public advice


Advisory for Singaporeans intending to travel to affected areas

You are advised to avoid non-essential travel to affected areas.
If you have to travel to such areas, be vigilant and maintain a high standard of personal hygiene at all times.

Should you fall ill while overseas, do see a doctor as soon as possible and refrain from travelling until you are certified fit by the doctor.


Advisory for Singaporeans/Singapore residents returning from countries affected by Influenza A (H1N1)

If you are travelling from an affected area**,  you are strongly advised to:

  1. monitor your temperature daily

  2. check yourself for the following symptoms

    1. High fever (> 38 deg C)
    2. Sore throat
    3. Cough
    4. Body aches
    5. Runny nose
    6. Headaches
    7. Tiredness.

Please delay your travel plans if you are unwell. Do see a doctor promptly, and ensure that you are fully recovered before you travel.

On your return to Singapore, you should continue to monitor your health for 7 days. If you develop the above symptoms within the 7 days, please put on a surgical mask and call 993 promptly. An ambulance will come round to bring you for medical assessment and treatment.

Please provide accurate information on the following to the doctor attending to you:

a. where you have been over the past 7 days
b. whom you have been in close contact with.

To do this, you may find it useful to keep a record of your movements for 7 days after your return. 

Click here to read more on travel advisory on returning Singaporeans/ Singapore residents from affected areas**.

More information in this PDF file: Influenza A (H1N1) - What You Need To Know

The following is the Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [jpg 1.35Mb]
As of 08:00 GMT, 26 May 2009

Click to see larger picture.

Came across this website: http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_05_26/en/index.html
Looking at a table showing Influenza A(H1N1) cases and deaths in different countries and realized that the death rate seems rather small comparing the total cases and total deaths, don’t you agree?

References :

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Corn Underneath My Big Toe

!~hhhhA Ahhhh~! My big toe has corn~! My freaking 1st corn~! Its irritating~! Its painful~! Its gross~!


Bought this corn removal plaster to see if it can really remove it. It comes with 2 things inside the box. The medicated discs (those small brown circles in the photo) and the plasters with cushion padding. 4 of each of these 2 things in the box. You only see 2 of each because the other 2 has been used.

I have been using it for quite some time already.

The following are the camwhoring photos of my big toe…

2009-05-11 - toeCorn    2009-05-13 - toeCorn

2009-05-15 - toeCorn

The 1st photo is my big toe with the corn as at 11-05-2009. Follow by my big toe with the corn as at 13-05-2009. And then my big toe with the corn as at 15-05-2009. Its seems like the corn removal plaster is hardening the skin on the corn area. And the skin turn yellowish as it harden.

And finally on 16-05-2009, I was able to peel off the thick and hard skin on the corn area. The following are the photos of the peeled off skin.

2009-05-16 - toeCornPeelOff (outerSide)    2009-05-16 - toeCornPeelOff (innerSide)

2009-05-16 - toeCornPeelOff (showThickness)

The side view of the peeled off skin shows that its damn thick… I put the skin in front of a florescent light and take a photo of it to show that it is hollow in the center of the skin.

That means that the thick skin on the center of the corn was not removed.

2009-05-16 - toeCornPeelOff (silhouette)

2009-05-16 - toeCorn

This is my big toe after peeling off the thick skin around the corn area as at 16-05-2009.

I continued to peel the thick skin at the center of the corn which the process was quite painful…

2009-05-16 - bloodyTissuePaper ho seh liao… And i got myself into this situation… The photos after that is too bloody to post here…

Since its already bleeding, I thought I should stop applying the corn removal plaster because the active ingredient is salicylic acid. And I don’t think its a good idea to apply acid on an open wound.

2009-05-17 - toeCorn

This is my big toe with the corn as at 17-05-2009. It seems like the corn looks less whitish when I stop applying the corn removal plaster.

Since now its not bleeding anymore, I shall continue using the corn removal plaster.


To be continued…

Friday, May 15, 2009

Testing PSU (Power Supply Unit) without using Mainboard

Went to Eddy’s house today to see (eye power… LoL) NYC helping Eddy to troubleshoot his PC. Saw how he test if the PSU is working. Its amazing to me. I didn’t know it can be done that way until he show it to me, cool!

I was told that a PSU won’t run unless it is connected to a mainboard. So how to test a PSU without connecting it to the mainboard?

Firstly you need a PSU and a jumper wire. Oh yah, and a power source too… of course… . Connect the PSU to the power source and power it on. By using the jumper wire (or anything similar and is safe), short the Power on (or PS_ON#) pin and the Ground (or GND) pin of the PSU main connector. The following 2 pictures show the layout of the PSU main connector of 20-pin ATX and 24-pin ATX.

20pinATX_powerSupplyConnector    24pinATX_powerSupplyConnector

It is said that when the Power on pin is pulled to TTL (Transistor–Transistor Logic) low, the PSU will start to provide those ±12V, ±5V and +3.3V to the outlet cables. For more infomation on why is it designed like this, read section 3.3.2 PS_ON# (page 19) of this pdf file –> http://www.formfactors.org/developer%5Cspecs%5CATX12V_1_3dg.pdf

Therefore we can simulate this TTL low by shorting the Power on pin to the Ground pin. In another words, just short the Green wired pin with any Black wired pin will do.

However, it is also mentioned in this article that doing this repeatedly or too many times can cause damage to your PSU. So I wouldn't recommend doing this on your own PSU (which means: feel free to do it if you are helping your friend to troubleshoot his/her PC… wahahaha~!), unless it is a last resort.

Oh and I found this article that shows you the whole process with photos.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

萱, 卉, 靖, 大嘴巴 School Concerts

Wahahaha~! It has been some time ever since my last post here. I have been busy with my school work, FYP (Final Year Project), examinations (my so called “last examination in NTU”) and FYP oral presentation. All these ended on 04/05/2009. Hurray~!


Apart from my academic stuff, I have watched 3 school concerts in this semester. The concert tickets are as shown in the left photo.

The first ticket at the top of the photo is the 卓文萱 《超级喜欢》 校园演唱会 which was held on 15/01/2009. I still remember that there was this guy who claim that his name is 曹格 while playing a game where he was asked to sing the song《梁山伯与茱丽叶》 with 卓文萱. Damn hilarious.
The following is a list of videos link:
    > Genie Campus Concert 
    > The so called "曹格"

The second ticket at the middle of the photo is the 《卉出靖彩》 校园演唱会 which was held on 04/02/2009. This is a concert by 石欣卉 & 黄靖伦. Although both of them are Singapore singer, but it seems to me like those who start their singing career in Singapore will be of less outstanding in terms of performance than those who start in Taiwan. This is a link to a list of videos.

The last ticket at the bottom of the photo is the 大嘴巴 《王元口力口》 校园演唱会 which was held on 13/03/2009. Haha, don’t remember much from this concert. Probably because March was when most of the assignments deadline were. Too stressful and so the memories for March is lost. LoL.

But none of all these school concerts is comparable to Claire 郭静 《下一个天亮》 校园演唱会. Because only 郭静 walk around the theater to shake hand with most of the audiences including me… Wakakaka!

/* All the above videos that was mentioned are not taken by me. */

Currently I am waiting for my IA (Industry Attachment) allocation and the examination results for this semester. Be it good or bad, I shall just leave them all to fate and enjoy my holidays now… LoL!

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