Went to Orchard to see F1 Redbull car in action~!
Alright~! Clear photo without any motion blur… while the car is not moving… lol This is perhaps one of the few clear photos of the F1 car. The rest are relatively blurred.
This bottle of 100 Plus cost me SGD$2.70. That is so expensive loh~! bloody hell… if only i wasn’t that thirsty~!
Haha~! Managed to take this shot of one of the tower of Ngee Ann City. Edited a bit to make the sky looks dramatically bluish ^_^
Oh look~! Got chiobu~! I think she is some artist or host of some TV channel… can see TV crew following her wherever she goes… going around interviewing people… heng never tio me… i got camera shy lol ^_^
Fake dialogue:
“Eh look here look here~! Take photos leh oei~!”
“~~~ Sorry, I cannot hear you, Im kinda busy. ~~~ Stop callin, stop callin, I dont wanna think anymore! ~~~”
Alright… she is kind of busy there on her phone… lol ^_^
So while waiting for the F1 car to come out to speed a few rounds, we spent plenty of time idling and beo-ing… lol. Look what I’ve found~! Sunshine kind of smile… brighten up my day… makes all the waiting worthwhile… lol ^_^
The photo looks grainy… think is probably because I lowered down the number of pixels when taking this photo to compensate for higher zoom range up to around 7x zoom. And the full photo is cropped to keep only the subject in the photo.
Who is that girl~?! This photo looks as if the girl is a superstar like that. All attentions on her… The guy on the extreme right taking a real close-up photo of her, the guy beside her machiam asking for her phone number, the little boy on the bottom left staring at her… lol ^_^
Chiobu driving the redbull car~! Wee-woo-wee~!
The cool looking her…
The cute looking her biting her lower lips and showing off her upper tidy upper front teeth like a hamster ^_^
The gorgeous looking her with a big smile on her face~! ^o^
I am not sure who is this… maybe u all can tell me? lol I saw many people took his photo, so I followed…

F1 car burning tires on the road~! leaving trails on Singapore clean clean road~! How can how can~! Oei~! haha…
btw the smell of tire burning stinks…
This is the only F1 car I caught in my camera while the car is moving in low speed when it just started up to the road. The car is simply too fast when on the road to be captured by the noobish me. haha…
By right the F1 car is the main attraction for the trip… but something else caught my attention… The SingTel Grid Girls~!

Haha… the F1 car “up the lorry”… lol ^_^
Dinner at Crystal Jade Palace Restaurant inside Ngee Ann City. Roasted duck~! yummy yummy~! ^_^
I took this photo in 3 different exposure… trying out the merge to HDR function in Adobe Photoshop… looks interesting… now that i know how to use that function, can go take some landscape scenery photos liaoz… lol ^_^