Previously I have posted about the condition of my corn in the post: Corn Underneath My Big Toe. The thing underneath my right leg big toe has been near 1 and 1/2 months already, from late April until 13th June. I can’t stand the pain anymore and went to visit a doctor for it in the morning.
According to the doctor, the thing underneath my big toe is not a corn. He told me that it is a wart. I have no idea what a wart is. So he showed me some pictures of wart from the internet and briefly explained that corn is caused by friction and wart is caused by virus infection.
Next he proceeded on to help me to remove it. First of all, I was told to put on a mask. The mask I was asked to put on are those type that dentist usually wore, just 1 piece of cloth or paper or something like that. The nurse assisting the doctor also wore one that is of the same type as mine. The doctor himself wore a solid cup mask. Because he has to deal with my stink foot the wart which is contagious…
He then injected anesthetics on my wart area so that my whole big toe was numbed, in other words, local anesthesia was done on my toe. At first I thought he was going to use the needle to poke and burst off the wart. Because during the injection, I felt as if the wart area was expanding and was going to burst. I would say that this was the most painful part throughout the whole operation, no more pain after this.
Since I won’t feel any more pain after the injection, I just sit back and relax a bit while the doctor was doing the operation. I smelled scents of burning smell during the operation, but didn’t know what was done to the wart because 50% of the time I was closing my eyes. After it was done, I was allowed to see the affected area on my toe before the doctor bandaged it. Wow, one hole there… no blood… inside the hole is totally white. Too bad I didn’t take picture of the hole on my toe.
After that, I was given 2 types of medicines that I am to finish it in 3 days time.
Total cost $150! Hope it won’t recurs.
If I am not wrong, I think this operation is either Electrodesiccation or Electrocautery after some Googling.
I also did a search on what are corn, callous and wart called in Chinese:
Corn in chinese is called 鸡眼(jī yǎn)
Callous in chinese is called 趼(jiǎn)
Wart in chinese is called 瘊子(hóu zǐ), 又叫 疣(yóu)
My toe camwhoring… continued from 18-05-2009 onwards.
On 22-05-2009, I tried to peel the thick skin off.

A portion of the lesion can be seen from the side view. I stop peeling it off because its painful to do so.
Once again, the portion of the lesion which can be seen from the side view.

Finally peel off the thick skin together with a portion of the lesion as shown in the inner side of the peel off photo.. It is not removed fully from my toe.

I gave up using the corn removal pad and stop taking photos of it since it doesn’t seems to improve… Until 13-06-2009, took some photos before and after the operation.
Alright after the operation, my toe was still numbed due to the effect of the anesthetics even after I reached home for hours.
13-06-2009: Me scratching my toe but doesn’t feel anything
I experience 1 session of diarrhea on Saturday (14-06-2009) afternoon. I think is maybe caused by Clarithromycin as diarrhea is one of the common side-effects as written in Wikipedia.

I was told to keep the wound away from contact of water, but I think maybe got kena a little bit of water droplets while bathing. Hope it won’t affect the wound.

So far so good, no pain. Going back to visit the doctor tomorrow 16-06-2009 to remove the bandage and check on the wound.
To be continued…