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Monday, October 20, 2008

Windows Live Messenger Error code: 8e5e0531

A few days ago, I was told by my Windows Live Messenger (if I remember correctly, it was version 8.5) that I can’t login to my MSN because there is a newer version of Windows Live Messenger. I was also given the link to the download page. So I clicked on the link: get.live.com/messenger/overview and downloaded the installation file. But the installation file doesn’t seems to work. Because its an online installation process, so I thought its the connection problem to the installation server.

So I waited for a few hours, I tried to install it again, same thing, installation failed. So I search for alternative source for the installation file and came across this webpage –> download.live.com/messenger. I finally managed to login to my MSN after the download and installation.

Picture taken from
Picture taken from


End of nightmare? NO~!

After the update from Windows Live Messenger Version 8.5 to Windows Live Messenger Beta Version 2009 (Build 14.0.5027.908) from the download.live.com/messenger,


it still gives me problem~!

Sometime, I am able to login to my MSN, sometime I can’t! And even when I am logged in, after a few hours, it will automatically log me out~! Then after the logout, my attempt to login again gives me this Error Code: 8e5e0531.

So I tried Google the solution to solve the Error Code: 8e5e0531 problem and I came across this webpage –> Click Here.

It says,
“First of all you can try rebooting your machine then you could try use the repair function on msn.

You could also try resetting ur modem and make sure your firewall is not blocking msn or the ports.”

I tried and it really works. But to restart PC every few hours (because the WML log me out every few hours) is really very troublesome. If anyone has a solution for this problem, please do leave a message on the Chatting Zone. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Purple or Blue?

Happens to came across this blog post here. It is basically about 2 people arguing about colours.

josh524 claims that the "My Blog" as shown in this picture is purple.
cathyc claims that the "My Blog" as shown in this picture is blue.

If you do not want to read the details, you can scroll down to read the conclusion directly.

Alright if you choose to read on, let's now study this picture with the help of Adobe Photoshop's Colour Picker tool ...

In case you do not know what RGB value is, I shall briefly explain it here. It is represented in this format #RRGGBB where RR is the hexadecimal value representing the primary colour Red, GG for Green and BB for Blue.

The default blue have RGB value equal to #0000FF.
The RGB value for the blue as shown in that picture is #0000FE.

The default purple have RGB value equal to #800080.
The RGB value for the purple as shown in that picture is #871F78.

The default indigo have RGB value equal to #4B0082.
The RGB value for the indigo as shown in that picture is #2E0855.

The RGB value for the "My Blog" as shown in that picture is #1F224F

FYI: The so call default value here means I type in the colour names(eg. blue, purple, indigo, ...) in this website and then use Adobe Photoshop's Colour Picker tool to get the RGB value.

The definition of purple can be found in Wikipedia over here.
It says, "Purple is a general term for the range of shades of color occurring between red and blue. It is formed (in both subtractive pigment and additive light combinations) by mixing the primary colors red and blue in varying proportions, with possibly a very small quantity of the third primary color (green for light or yellow for pigment).
A difference in retinal sensitivity to red and blue light between individuals can cause further disagreement."

So that means as long as the G value is smaller than both the R value and the B value (G<R & G<B), then it can be generally be said to be purple colour. Whether or not it looks more towards red or blue will depends on each individual's retinal sensitivity.

So now let us break the "My Blog" colour down to its primary colour,
R = 1F (in Hexadecimal) = 31 (in Decimal)
G = 22 (in Hexadecimal) = 34 (in Decimal)
B = 4F (in Hexadecimal) = 79 (in Decimal)

The observation shows:
(G<R & G<B) is False. Therefore it cannot be said to be purple colour. So josh524's statement is proven to be False.
In addition, B is more than G is more than R (B>G>R). So Blue is the dominating primary colour in the "My Blog" colour. So cathyc's statement is proven to be True.

josh524's statement saying that the "My Blog" as shown in this picture is purple is proven to be False.
cathyc's statement saying that the "My Blog" as shown in this picture is blue is proven to be True.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

我的電台 FM S.H.E

Disclaimer: The music shown here are of lower quality. Please support the original.

Saw S.H.E's news on TV, knowing that they have came up with new album. I listened to this album already and I find that the songs in this album are nice!
Highly recomended~!


Friday, October 03, 2008

Max Payne Movie - In Theaters Oct 17 2008

Saw this trailer on the MRT that TV that display the next train timing. Looks cool!

Played both the Max Payne and Max Payne 2, PC Games last time. The game website is here. But I don't remember the flying creature in the trailer. In the game, all the enemy is human beings...

Maybe movie they add in some supernatural creatures to make it more interesting. Look forward to watch this movie.

Oh yah, this is the Official Website for the movie maxpaynethemovie.com

And this is the trailer I am talking about.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Create Your Avatar

Want to create a nice avatar? Lack of photoshop skills to do the job?

Try this one over here. Its very simple and user-friendly as shown on the left, a screenshot of the website.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Poll Result: Out of these 6 sports, which one do you like?

Poll opening date: 24/09/2008
Poll closing date: 30/09/2008
Allow visitors to select multiple answers: Disabled

As shown above in the poll result, 4 people participated in this poll and 50% like Soccer, 25% like Badminton and another 25% like Tennis.

This poll lacks of paticipants and therefore its result does not reflect the majority.

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