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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NTU ACES Cheerleading

wah wah wah wah wah!!! Today pass by canteen A in NTU, then saw many people crowding around a stage.... What is that??? Lets check it out!!!

oic!!! Its the NTU Cheerleading people performing... They call themselves "ACES". Dont know why... Anyway, managed to make my way to the very front to capture their performance video in my Samsung E770!!! But, before you play the video, you can choose to stop the current background music(so nice right?) if you think it is too noisy... hehehe... the control for the (very nice)background music is somewhere at the bottom right of the page...
Ready? ok, here comes the video...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


最近浏览了美眉 的网站, 读了她们其中几位的部落格, 就在一位叫 “鸭子” 的部落格上留言。。。

什么? 我骗人? 画面经过处理? 要看她真正的部落格伪证? 没问题, 但在这之前先得让你们认识

到底是谁呢? 就让你们一睹她的庐山真面目吧!

是的! 以上照片就是鸭子本人了! 漂亮吧? 今年只有十八岁哦!

好了, 是不是很迫不及待地想去浏览她的部落格呢?

话不多说,请你们按 这里 吧!

Nothing to Do Now...

hahaha!!! now nothing to do so come here blog using email.... lol


testing the mail-to-blogger features...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Tio Owned by Coleslaw!!!

It has been a super long time ever since my last post... lol. I was having my holiday for the past 1 month... finally got something interesting to write liao....hahahaha!

The Story of Coslaw
Together with a group of my squadron friends, we went to Expo for the IT show... Before we went in, we went to a fast food restuarant to have our lunch... and this is what happen...

Service girl: "Sir, what do u wanna order?"
Me: "erm... Mushroom Swiss Burger Meal...."
Service girl: "Any other orders?"
Me: "hmm... change the fries to coleslaw please..."
Service girl: "Huh??? We don't have coleslaw here..."
Me: "Huh???"
~~~ Stunned for 10 seconds ~~~
Me: "Oh, ok then nevermind..."

Haha, u are right that fast food restuarant is Burger King!!! So blur, dont even know that i am in KFC or Burger King... lol...
~ Burger King, KFC, 傻傻分不清楚 ~

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