After that we even went to watch movie

Today early in the morning went all the way to NTU to pay my hostel acceptance fees. Below are some BoLiao photo taken from my Samsung SGH-E770 1.3 Mega Pixel Camera Phone while I was on my way to the Student Service Centre.
On the way to my Hall after the payment, wondering how it looks like.
Look what is this! From far I can see construction site near my Hall!!! Looks like it is going to be very noisy and dusty at there.
When I reach the entrance of my Hall, I realise that actually the distance between the Hall and the construction site is not as close as i thought it would be. And it would be better if my hostel is located at those blocks that is further away from the Hall entrance so that those noise from the construction site will be minimized. But its all beyond my control, I cant choose my hostel. It is randomly assigned.
Walking futher into the Hall, I saw a rare big white bird intruding the units on the 1st floor! Hope I dont get those 1st floor hostels...
After exploring my Hall, it seems alright. Other than the problems created by the construction site, at least the facilities there is much better than those in BMT... lol!
But those are only the exterior of the Hall and blocks. The interior of the hostel is yet to be find out after my check-in in the early August.
Went back to base to do my last day of clearance.
Returning my green and getting back my pink on monday. Yeah!
Alright, I have shifted all my posts in My GeoCities page over to, which is a more suitable platform for blogging… lol easier to maintain also i guess… haha ^_^
Finally done with the designing of my new appearance here. Took me quite some time doing it, hope it looks nice to whoever is viewing it.
Around 1 more week to endure and I can say bye bye to my army life for the next 4 years! Yes! Why 4 years? Disruption only not ORD... LOL But the feeling is the same, FREEDOM!!!
3 weeks of leaves consecutively, uFooooooooooo~~~~! Shiok man! Have been slacking since 1st of July until now. Gonna go back Air Base to start doing clearance on the coming Monday. Hope everything goes smoothly and ends faster! Yeah!
*older posts imported from
3月4日, 一个艳阳高照的下午1点30分, 来到了碧山第八站3楼 , 一睹校园SuperStar们的风采。
根据预告, 他们会在下午2点30分抵达现场, 演唱并和粉丝玩游戏。 距离活动还有将近 1 个小时的时间, 广场上的人群, 似乎比我想象中的还要少。 但这不代表校园SuperStar 们不够魅力, 他们还是有一定的支持者。 就好像围绕在台下的那班粉丝们, 据说从早上8点就已经坐在那等了。 支持他们的人大多数都是介于 15 至 20 岁的年轻朋友们。 尽管今天的太阳是多么的晒, 天气是多么的炎热, 但还是阻挡不了这些来到现场热情的粉丝们。
时间开始越来越靠近校园SuperStar 们进场的时间了, 人潮也开始越来越多了。 站在人群当中的我, 可说是寸步难移啊。 现场的音像系统不停的播放着校园 SuperStar 主题曲 “By Now“。 没错, 当听到这首歌曲在开始播放的时候, 也就代表着活动很快就要开始了。
主持人林佩芬上台了。 有一些人往她走向台上左边的一个入口望过去, 希望能够看到校园SuperStar 们。 我也望了过去, 校园SuperStar 倒是没看见, 只看到一些工作人员。 所有目光又回到美美的主持人佩芬身上。 她和台下的朋友玩一些简单的问答游戏, 送奖品, 把现场的气氛炒热。
主持人 YES933 DJ 林佩芬
终于, 校园SuperStar 们上台来了。男子组5强 : 陈义元、 洪裕阳、 黄俊辉、 黄智阳以及黄业伦 , 和女子组4强 : 曾咏霖、陈慧伶、黄韵琴以及史心莹 , 统统都来到了台上, 向大家挥手。 受宠若惊的他们, 看见台下那么多支持者热情地在喊着自己的名字, 感动得不知该说什么好, 只是一直在微笑, 不停地像他们挥手。 接着佩芬让他们一位一位的介绍自己。 有一些很害羞, 有一些耍酷, 有一些耍帅, 也有一些耍可爱。 各有各的表达方式来向台下的粉丝们拉票。
哎呀, 男参赛者被挡住了!
紧接着是现场演唱的时候了。 女子组4强一同演唱了S.H.E. 的 “不想长大”。 男子组5强则分成两组, 演唱两首歌曲。 粉丝们听得是如痴如醉, 还不时听见有人称赞男子组的好几位参赛者, “哇, 好帅哦!”。
女子组4强一同演唱了S.H.E. 的 “不想长大”
校园SuperStar 们也和粉丝们玩了游戏。 就是佩芬发问一些问题, 然后让校园SuperStar 们互相暴料, 让粉丝们兴奋不已。 其中就有问道 “谁最爱吃?”, “谁最爱美?”, “谁最爱睡?”, “谁最常迟到?”, “谁最守时?”, “谁是你心目中的校园SuperStar?” 之类的问题。
校园SuperStar 们互相暴料
由于今天也是其中一位参加过校园SuperStar 的参赛者的生日, 站在台上的那9位校园SuperStar 也特地请来了侯卓荣 Alejandro Hou 上台来为他庆祝生日。
不知不觉 1 个小时已经过去了。 校园SuperStar 的活动在将近下午3点30分来到了尾声。 临走之前也不忘摆个大合照的 pose 给记者朋友们拍。
对不起, 小弟我的拍摄技术差强人意。 以上这张照片似乎是我一时手快, 在他们还没摆好 pose 的时候拍的。 哈哈哈!
*older posts imported from